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Traveling Internationally through Covid

Updated: Dec 8, 2021

It would be an accurate description to say that the past 2 years our worlds have changed, one day we were planning trips and going where we wanted and dressing as we please but then at the snap of a set of fingers we saw restrictions, lock downs, mask mandates, and a whole new world. For the next few months after the pandemic really hit we saw restrictions and the black out of any personal/work travel outside of your country of residency. This lock down stayed in place for at least a year until things started to open up with restrictions, but many are still reserved on the idea of travelling internationally as they might just not know what to expect.

Well I did it! I traveled internationally this year, October 2021 to be exact! My family and I, yes 2 children 10 and under, packed our bags and caught a flight out of the country. I tried to do as much research as possible before going just so I would know what to expect in regards to restrictions and availability of activities at our destination, but I am going to be very honest I did not feel as prepared as I had hoped and I took a lot more with me than I really probably needed.

So let me help you decide and prepare!!


During 2021 my family and I took multiple flights, within the US and also flying outside of the US. Flying honestly didn't feel very different, the planes were still jammed packed next to complete strangers and serving the same drinks and snack options. Security checks were still hoarding cats through a quick conveyor belt to get you and your items scanned and on your way.

There were a few requirements in place so lets outline those:

US to US --> Must wear a face mask during the entire flight and between bites or drinks. No Covid test requirements

US to International --> Must wear a face mask during the entire flight and between bites or drinks. No Covid test requirements

International to US --> Must wear a face mask during the entire flight and between bites or drinks. Must take a Covid test and receive a negative test result within 3 days of departure, no earlier. These results have to be uploaded to the airlines prior to check in. You must also complete a health questionnaire and receive a passing QR code. Both items will be verified before being allowed through security check.

Covid Test::

Our resort, in Mexico, provided an onsite medical professional to complete the testing but it was an out of pocket expense. The test cost about $25 pesos per person. There are many resorts that provide this test at the expense of the resort.

What happens if I test positive for Covid while international?

You will be required to quarantine within that country for 14 days, unless you are able to obtain a doctor's note granting you permission to travel with the positive test result. The cost of your quarantined stay really depends on your resort. Ours did not provide any covered cost of staying if any of us tested positive, that would have been an out of pocket expense. There are other resorts that offer a complimentary quarantine room where you will be able to stay and have food delivered to your room at no additional cost.

Restrictions at the international hotel or resort::

Our resort didn't really have any restrictions except for having to wear a mask to walk into a dining facility and getting our temperature checked prior to walking in. Everything else was completely unrestricted!


Throughout the pandemic, which I now classify as normal life, I didn't really feel stressed or overwhelmed with things but after taking the week vacation just away from normal life and checking out I felt so much relief and weight lift off mine and my families shoulders. I hadn't really realized how much we were really carrying until we were able to completely disconnect.

From one to another I would suggest taking the trip and not holding back or questioning it!


These experiences were faced with the following conditions:

- No Covid Vaccines received for any travelling party member

- Flying United Airlines

- Travelling to and from Mexico (for international travel)

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