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Taking Education -- INTERNATIONAL!

Updated: Feb 15, 2023

Sometimes you are met in life with a once in a lifetime opportunity, we have met that opportunity!

Our oldest son's school opened a non-school sponsored trip to London, Paris, and Rome!!! This trip will take place in 2024. The trip has limited spots and quite honestly is expensive. For 9 days he will travel across Europe seeing and exploring some of the great pieces of history! Attending this trip and completing activities will earn him both high school and college credits!


Since the trip is not school sponsored it is the responsibility of the parents and student to pay for everything or obtain fundraising to help with the costs. All fundraising received goes directly to the travel page and never touches our hands so you know its going towards the trip!

We would love your help to make his dream a reality!!!


A huge thank you to EF Educational Tours for creating these opportunities and thank you to each one of you who help make this dream come true!

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