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Snot and Sweat

Updated: Dec 8, 2021

Here I am sitting in the local high schools hallway waiting on the youngest kiddo to finish wrestling practice, when I say finish I really mean practice starts in 3 minutes and then I still have the whole practice time. I am sitting on a random bench that lines the wall with an oversized hoodie on under my definitely weathered Berne coat with the messiest of buns, I mean seriously I may have more hair falling out than staying in.

Both of our boys just started in wrestling, with their ages they are just in wrestling clubs, but the evenings are now packed with 4 out of 5 week nights at practices, or at least dropping them off at practices. This new addition of a sport has shaken up the schedule just a bit because you know I believe you shouldn't do a sports activity on a full belly.

Tonight was a little rough to be honest and it is only 6:17pm. The little guy, who is in practice, has been getting in a world of trouble at school for nearly almost anything. You name it and we have probably received an email or a call about it. So today he gets home from school and we go over the lovely email from his teacher outlining the day of bad actions. He denies it all and calls the teacher a liar. This is such a joy to overhear my husband having to deal with as I am in a work meeting.

By the time my meeting has ended we have 45 minutes until I am comfortable being out the door to get to practice "on time" aka 15 minutes early. I hop up stressing about getting dinner going and ready to be met with the hubs finishing up dinner. As we all hustle to eat and have the roulette decision of who is taking the little man to practice my husband and I perform our musical numbers of my sniffles and his coughs.

You guessed it right. The first time ever in our time together we fell sick at the same time! Saturday morning we got slapped in the face with nasal congestion for me and chest congestion and a cough for him. Parenting and adulting doesn't turn off though for a little bug so the journey must go on.

Little man and I rush out the door and head off to practice, on our drive we talk again about his day and the choices that he made or didn't make. It fills me with sadness and frustration just not knowing why he does the things that he does.

So I sit here, in that hallway looking a hot mess, and just wonder how we each figure out the mystery that is parenting. Shit that is life. For the most part we all do it differently, we have our different beliefs, we have our preferred methods but we all respond differently. As parents we get to decide what we think is best for our children and we follow our believes and methods, but sprinkle in their double parents or two households.

Lets be honest, in my experience, when there are two households or parents who are no longer together they very rarely have the same parenting style. In these cases you are faced with differing raising methods, so a child is raised one way at one house and then a different way at another house.

I don't have the magic answer to how you figure it out or how you navigate the waters of household differences because we are still paddling through those waters but what I know is you don't stop your beliefs, unless proven to be a negative to the child, and you continue to love them no matter what.

So again here I sit wishing I could read the brain of my 5 year old and take away all of his pains and worries all while questioning what we could do differently or what is causing his issues. All we can do is continue to try.

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