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Let me re-introduce myself

I would be foolish to think that everyone would know who I am or even remember me .. I mean come on I have been sitting as dormant as some volcanos on my platforms. It is time to dust off those cobwebs and extend my hand to say hello and shake your hand!

I am The Working Housewife also known as Kaylee Snyder. Starting at a young age, 14 to be exact, I began working and wanting to earn my way and right in the world. Over the years and the many different industries I grew to have a much bigger dream and calling.

When I was just 22 years old, 6 days before my 23rd birthday, I became a first time unplanned pregnancy mother and everything changed. Having my son sparked a fire in me and The Working Housewife was born.

As the years would pass I pushed my career, household, motherhood, and everything around me to the next level wanting to do more and provide more for my family and those around me.

10 years later I sit here writing to you having been through an unplanned pregnancy, single parenthood, marriage, divorce, homeownership, career change, child custody battles, re-marriage, step motherhood, entrepreneurship, kicking off my own consulting company, having started a podcast, gained weight, lost weigh, gained the weight all back, building out this website, platform, and even more.

My journey has never been easy and there were many times along the way that I was ready to throw in the towel and didn't believe I would ever amount to anything or make it through whatever battle I was facing at that moment.

As I continue to grow my career, expand my business, podcast, and platform I pull back the curtains and share all of the details and bring you along for the ride to entertain you, educate you, and help you through your moments.

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