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I had the pleasure of working with Kaylee over the past year on a large Agile initiative. After some preliminary training and coaching, Kaylee expertly filled the role as Product Owner managing a large Product Backlog serving multiple Scrum teams. She really knocked it out of the park, excelling in team communication, stakeholder engagement, and a dedicated focus on value delivery. Kaylee's work ethic ensures success in whatever comes her way, however she's a perfect fit serving as an empowered and trusted Product Owner!

Andy Lien
Senior Agile Coach at Project Brilliant

Kaylee is an exceptional person. She has mastered working in an agile environment and is a very experienced product owner. Through her efforts her teams are delivering new features after every sprint. Kaylee is dedicated to her work and is a great team player. She has great knowledge of the insyrance industry and readily shares that knowledge with others. The entire team enjoys working with her.

Terry Rusk
Agile Program Manager

Kaylee is one of the most well-organized individuals I know. Her ability to multi-task and absorb information has been a great asset. She is also very detail-oriented. I appreciate that I can call upon Kaylee and get direct answers and can always rely on her.

Allison Boehm

Olson Law Office

I've had the opportunity to work with Kaylee on a number of enterprise projects. Her depth of knowledge, understanding of business risks, and ability to bring together resources from across the enterprise makes her a strategic business partner.

Sam Ellingwood

Growth Attorney

I have worked in CNO’s Pega Back Office program for over 8 months and have worked closely with all Pega Back Office Product Owners as well as the Chief Product Owner, Program Management team and Executive Governance Team.  In that time, I have interacted with Kaylee (in her role as a Product Owner) quite frequently and would like to share some feedback about her qualities, her performance and her team’s performance.


Kaylee is a highly intelligent, very motivated Product Owner who can adeptly guide a team to deliver frequently as well as engage effectively with her business partners.  She is a strong communicator (the best, in my opinion, in Pega Back Office) and wisely leverages tools (Microsoft Teams) to efficiently communicate with her stakeholders.  Her team (PHS) was a standout team in Pega Back Office, achieving a monthly release cadence earlier than other teams and delivering the most value of any team to date (in terms of AWD Work Types delivered).  Not only did her team deliver rapidly, frequently and consistently, but her team was tasked to take on more work from the program that was not originally envisioned and other teams were not asked to take.  All of this reflects very favorably on Kaylee and her attitude, behavior and performance in helping Pega Back Office result in a successful program for CNO and its business.

Leon Sabarsky

Project Brilliant

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